Loaded Keto Frittata Breakfast/Lunch

Loaded Keto Frittata Breakfast/Lunch

Serves 2 to 4 servings dependent on portion size


  • 4 slices of Smoked Bacon (cut into small pieces )
  • Olive Oil or Butter
  • 1 clove of garlic ( minced )
  • 3 chopped or sliced Shallots
  • Half a Red Pepper
  • 8 baby tomatoes cut in half
  • 1 cup of Baby Spinach
  • 1 cup of Cheddar Cheese
  • 6 large eggs ( I only had 4 to hand for this one but 6 is perfect )
  • 100ml of Double Cream
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Parmesan (optional)

You may notice that there is no bacon in these pictures. Hayley does not eat pork so I omitted the bacon this time.


Heat the olive oil/butter in a skillet or non stick pan. It is best to use a pan with a metal handle as you will be putting the pan in the grill to brown the top of the frittata.

Add the shallots, tomatoes, pepper, bacon, garlic and red pepper. Cook gently on a medium heat until the peppers become soft.

Add the spinach and allow to wilt. Once wilted add the cheddar cheese and allow to melt.

Beat the eggs in a bowl and add the cream, salt and pepper. Pour the mixture into the pan and allow to cook. Keep checking the base to ensure it does not burn.

Turn the grill on and when the bottom of the frittata is golden, take it off the stove and put under the grill to brown the top.

Be careful if it is a plastic handle on the pan

Sprinkle with ground or grated parmesan and serve. So filling and amazing and can be refrigerated and taken as pack lunch the next day.

Play about with keto friendly ingredients and create a fantastic version of your own. I would love to see what you guys create. Happy Cooking 🥘 👨‍🍳

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