Baked Smashed Potatoes

Baked Smashed Potatoes

Soft cooked potatoes smashed and baked till crisp in the oven – a perfect side dish!



I am not someone who likes to go with trends, especially when it comes to food. When I see everyone trying on Instagram, it kills the interest for me. Do you feel it? Then after a long time, when I see somebody trying, it piques my interest again. That is how I discovered smashed potatoes. And what a discovery it is! I am glad that it perfectly fits my sub-theme of “Main ingredients 5 or less” in this month’s Bakeathon posts. 😉


All you need to do is to parboil potatoes – smaller the size, the better -, smash them, smother them with some basic condiments and bake till crisp. So easy, yet so delicious that it makes the perfect replacement for fries and wedges. And pst pst, it is so much easier that making them too – no need to slice or chop and you get some stress relief while smashing the potatoes too. Double whammy! 😉 The best part about this dish is you can do any spice mix you want with the potatoes. I have used just basic ingredients to make it, and still it is delicious. After all, it is potatoes. 😉 Off to this recipe…




Baked Smashed Potatoes

Course Accompaniments
Cuisine American
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Servings 4
Author Rafeeda AR


  • 6 baby potatoes choose small size potatoes otherwise
  • 4 tbsp butter melted
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Red chilli flakes as needed


  • Wash and scrub the potatoes clean.
  • In a pan of water and salt, boil the potatoes till just cooked. Around 10 minutes. Do not overdo. Drain.
  • Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Line a baking tray with foil.
  • Place the potatoes and smash using a potato masher. Make sure all potatoes are of equal thickness.
  • In a bowl, whisk the butter, garlic, salt and pepper. Brush on top of the potatoes. Sprinkle red flakes on top for added spiciness.
  • Bakes for 15-20 minutes till the top is crisp. Run the grill for two minutes for a more brown color.
  • Serve hot as side to your choice of dinner.


You can use any spice mixture that you want. 
You can sprinkle some mozarella cheese on top for cheesy potatoes. 

The post Baked Smashed Potatoes appeared first on The Big Sweet Tooth.

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