5 Ways to Say Goodbye to Summer

5 Ways to Say Goodbye to Summer

It might feel like summer has just started, but it is only a matter of weeks before the trees start changing color, the kids go back to school and the warm season is decidedly done. As soon as you can, you should put together a bucket list for the end of summer, so you can accomplish every summertime activity that brings you joy. To get you started, here are my six favorite salutations to the summer season:

Go Swimming

Especially if you have been cooped up inside all season, you need to make time to take a quick dip. Swimming is an essential summertime activity — a way to cool down and relax when temperatures and stress levels rise. There are so many different ways to enjoy swimming; you can swim to exercise, play pool-based games or pump up your adrenaline with water sports. If you aren’t much for aquatic activity, you can simply lounge in a pool with your favorite book. You should make it a priority to get into your backyard pool, or else you should plan a summer weekend to travel to a pool, pond, lake or coast near you before September.

Be With Friends

Spending time with good friends shouldn’t be reserved for summer only, but it is much more fun to take advantage of the long days and warm temperatures with people you enjoy. If you struggle to find the time to get together with friends on a one-on-one basis, you might organize a party to make it convenient for everyone to spend time with one another. An end-of-summer barbecue is an excellent way to capitalize on the season while catching up with friends. If you don’t have a grill in your backyard, you might book space at a local park. You could also make the barbecue a potluck, to maximize your time with friends.

Launch Fireworks

While it is possible to appreciate the bright colors and exciting sounds of fireworks year-round, summer certainly makes for a gorgeous backdrop to a home fireworks display. You can buy all sorts of fireworks online, from the big artillery shells that go off in the sky to smaller pyrotechnics, like roman candles, fountains, sparklers and snakes. You might save your fireworks for your evening with friends, or you can enjoy them whenever you are feeling down in summer’s dog days.

As always, you should only launch fireworks in a safe environment with smart behavior. You should look into local fireworks laws, and you would be wise to notify your neighbors about any fireworks displays you are planning.

Put Together a Scrapbook

If you have already enjoyed a fantastic, full summer, it might be worthwhile to spend some time putting together a scrapbook of your favorite memories. Summer can speed by so quickly, and if you don’t take the time to gather up photographs, ticket stubs, candy wrappers and other mementos of the months gone by, you might forget all about what you have done. Your scrapbook doesn’t have to be elaborate or filled with frilly details if you don’t appreciate them; in fact, you can order printed photobooks quickly and easily for a classy and cohesive way to catalogue your summers through the years.

Get Your Home Ready for Fall

Summer might be ending, but autumn is just beginning. To many, fall is just as fun-filled as summertime; if you don’t have school to worry about, you might plan vacations for this shoulder season to capitalize on discounted travel and see some spectacular fall scenery.

Even if you don’t plan to get out of town in September or October, you probably need to prepare your space for the imminent change in weather. You could give your home a goodbye-summer sprucing, which should include cleaning the gutters and exterior windows. Then, you should haul out all your cold-weather gear, like firewood, fall coats, fluffy blankets and snow tires. You might clear away any summer landscaping, like annual flowers, and sew some autumn crops, like crocus, mums or perhaps pumpkin plants. As summer comes to a close, you should look around your home for opportunities to usher in the next season successfully.

Summer isn’t over yet. You have a few precious weeks left to savor the warm season — so you should do what you can to soak up the sunshine and sweet time while you can.


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