Printable Grocery List!

Printable Grocery List!

One of the best tools that I use in my quest to get organized is this printable grocery list!The cool thing is- this grocery list is organized by aisle according to my local grocery store so that as I am rolling my cart down the aisles I can quickly look at just that section of my list and make sure that I picked up everything that I need. (No more zig-zagging through the store!)

You can download this free grocery list printable, and then follow the tutorial to customize your list to match the layout of your local grocery store! It makes your weekly trip to the store so much easier!

I keep my running grocery list on a clipboard right in mycommand center, so that every time I use up a product in the kitchen or even around the house I can write it down. That way I can make sure to replenish the item the next time that I go to the store.

And since I also menu plan every Sunday night, I make sure to add to my grocery list all of the ingredients that I need to buy to prepare this week's dinners.

Now I realize that not all grocery stores are arranged in the same way. so it is possible that your store doesn't put cereal in the same aisle as coffee and granola bars- which means that any listthat I design here by aisle isn't necessarily going to fit your needs. But you can customize my printable grocery list inPicMonkeyto match the layout of your local store!

Download Your Printable Grocery List!

You can download this free grocery list printable, and then follow the tutorial to customize your list to match the layout of your local grocery store! It makes your weekly trip to the store so much easier!

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Pro Tip: You'll want to make some notes the next time you go to the grocery store, and write down the major categories of grocery products by aisle/section of the store. (Or if you are like me and know the store as well as your own closet, you can do this from memory!)

How to Customize Your Printable Grocery List

You can download this free grocery list printable, and then follow the tutorial to customize your list to match the layout of your local grocery store! It makes your weekly trip to the store so much easier!

The simplest way to customize your list is to simply write each grocery store aisle/section in the header section above each box. But that's not very efficient- because you'll have to re-write them each week when you print a new list! Wouldn't you love to take a few minutes to type in the section headers so you can have a beautiful customized grocery list like this?

You can download this free grocery list printable, and then follow the tutorial to customize your list to match the layout of your local grocery store! It makes your weekly trip to the store so much easier!

Of course you would! So let me give you a quick tutorial on how to do it!

PicMonkey Tutorial on Customizing Your Printable Grocery List

Step 1: Download the grocery list template. Save it to your computer desktop.

You can download this free grocery list printable, and then follow the tutorial to customize your list to match the layout of your local grocery store! It makes your weekly trip to the store so much easier!

Step 2: LaunchPicMonkey in a new browser window (Chrome is best), click Edit, Computer, and then open the Printable Grocery List file that you saved to your desktop.

You can download this free grocery list printable, and then follow the tutorial to customize your list to match the layout of your local grocery store! It makes your weekly trip to the store so much easier!

Step 3: Select the Tt icon (the 4th one from the top on the far right-hand side of the screen). That will open the Text box you see above. Select whichever font you like to use from the list (I happen to like Chunk Five) and then click the Add Text button at the top.

You can download this free grocery list printable, and then follow the tutorial to customize your list to match the layout of your local grocery store! It makes your weekly trip to the store so much easier!

Step 4: Type in the name of the grocery section. You can use the Text box (shown on the right side of the page above) to change the color of the text (I left mine black), and the size of the Text (mine defaulted to 75, but I ended up changing it to 55). Then you can drag your text box into the exact location you want it to appear on the shopping list. I centered mine above the first pink box.

You can download this free grocery list printable, and then follow the tutorial to customize your list to match the layout of your local grocery store! It makes your weekly trip to the store so much easier!

Step 5: To make the process of adding the other headers fast, simply right click on the text box you just created (on a Mac, you press the Control key while clicking to right click) to select it and then select Duplicate Text.

You can download this free grocery list printable, and then follow the tutorial to customize your list to match the layout of your local grocery store! It makes your weekly trip to the store so much easier!

It will create a copy of your original text box and put it near the original text box.Highlight the text to select it, and then change it to match the next section header. Drag your new text box into position above the second pink box.

Continue to duplicate your text boxes, change the text and drag into position until you have created headers for all 10 grocery store aisles/sections.

A few more tips:You can download this free grocery list printable, and then follow the tutorial to customize your list to match the layout of your local grocery store! It makes your weekly trip to the store so much easier!

For aisles that have lots of items, you can wrap your text box to have more than one line of text. Simply press the enter key to create a second line of text. I like to center my two lines of text which you can do using the middle button for alignment in the pop-up text box. Then drag your text box into position.

You can download this free grocery list printable, and then follow the tutorial to customize your list to match the layout of your local grocery store! It makes your weekly trip to the store so much easier!

You can also make a text box longer by simply grabbing the side with your cursor (it will change to a double-sided arrow) and pulling your cursor to the side to make the text box longer.

When you are all done- click the Save button at the top of the PicMonkey screen and save your file to your desktop or documents folder. Then each week all you need to do is to print out your Customized Printable Grocery List!

Here are some more great ideas on how to organize your home!

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It's a free seriesof 10 weekly emails that can help you put some organization back in your life and help you to create room for all of those things that you'd like to be doing- whether that's making time to celebrate the little things with your family or carving out some space for yourself. Busy Moms Boot Camp can help you to move from chaos to organized! Simply sign up below to get started!

What do you think? Will this help you to be more organized before you head out to the grocery store?

Sharon's Signture

The post Printable Grocery List! appeared first on MomOf6.

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