SPECIAL EDITION PROTEST AND EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007
Should Teachers Wear Face Shields, Masks, Or Both?
by Larry Ferlazzo / 9min
dapple-designers / Pixabay Many of us now wear masks when we go to places where we will be in close contact with others, like stores. There’s now on-going discussion about if teachers should wear face shields instead of masks (for example, the State of California is providing a face shield to every teacher ). The idea is that it will help students hear what teachers are saying, and be particularl
A Look Back: 2020’s Best Posts From This Blog – Part One
by Larry Ferlazzo / 43min
Twice each year, I post my favorite posts that appeared in during the previous six months. This post is for my favorites from the first half of 2020. You can see my choices for each of the past twelve years here. And you can also see a list of my My All-Time Favorite Posts! Here are my choices: NON-“BEST” LISTS: IMPLICIT BIAS TRAINING DOESN’T SEEM TO WORK – SO WHAT SHOULD TEACHERS & OTHERS DO, IN
Save More On What You Really Need—It's Easy
by Honey
If you aren't using this tool when you shop online, you're probably wasting money.
My Most Popular Tweets Of The Month
by Larry Ferlazzo / 11h
PhotoMIX-Company / Pixabay I used to post weekly collections of my best tweets, and used Storify to bring them together. Unfortunately, Storify went under. Fortunately, however, Wakelet was a new tool that was able to import all of a person’s Storifys. So you can see all those previous Twitter “Best” lists here . You might also be interested in MY MOST POPULAR TWEETS IN 2019 – PART TWO and NEW &
“The Whys & Hows of Activating Students’ Background Knowledge”
by Larry Ferlazzo / 11h
The Whys & Hows of Activating Students’ Background Knowledge is the headline of my latest Education Week Teacher. Seven educators explain the importance of tapping students’ background knowledge in order to learn new content, and they describe ways to do just that, including through the use of surveys and anticipation guides. Here are some excerpts: 24
Nashville Teens Fight Against Racism
by Larry Ferlazzo / 11h
These Kids Are Done Waiting for Change is a New York Times column that is likely to be read in many classrooms over the next several months and beyond. It’s about a group of Nashville teenagers who are fighting against racism by, among other things, having organized a 10,000 person march to protest George Floyd’s murder. I’m adding it to The Best Resources Sharing The History Of Teens Organizing
A Zillion Citizen Science Projects That Students Can Do
by Larry Ferlazzo / 11h
geralt / Pixabay “Citizen Science” typically is the term used to describe crowdsourced projects that citizens, including students, can help with and that contribute towards a common good. Having an “ authentic audience” – someone other than a teacher – can contribute to student engagement and intrinsic motivation. There are lots of these kinds of citizen science projects out there, and you can fi
Must-Watch “America To Me” Series Now On Hulu
by Larry Ferlazzo / 16h
Two years ago, the amazing ten-part series on a U.S. high school titled “America To Me” aired on the Starz. I shared clips and reviews about it at that time . In addition to continuing to be seen on the Starz service, it’s also now on Hulu . If you haven’t seen it already, I would strongly recommend you do so now….
Implicit Bias Training Doesn’t Seem To Work – So What Should Teachers & Others Do, Instead?
by Larry Ferlazzo / 16h
In the wake of recent murders of Black citizens, like George Floyd, and subsequent protests, there has been a lot of attention being paid to the concept of implicit bias and how to combat it. There seem to be far fewer people questioning the existence of implicit bias than when Mike Pence was very confused about it at the Vice-Presidential debate. You can see tons of resources about how it affect
A Reminder On The Importance Of Having Students Repeat Words – & Read Text – Out Loud
by Larry Ferlazzo / 21h
When teaching English Language Learners, many – if not most – of us have students repeat newly-learned words chorally. It encourages shy students to practice pronunciation and develop more self-confidence when speaking. And many of us – when teaching ELLs or English-proficient students – often have students pair-up and read text aloud to each other taking turns with each paragraph. It’s a very us
Great – & Fun – Video From The Nashville Public Library
by Larry Ferlazzo / 22h
StockSnap / Pixabay I’m adding this great new video from the Nashville Public Library to The Best Sites To Teach ELL’s About Libraries :
New TED-Ed Video & Lesson: “How fast can a vaccine be made?”
by Larry Ferlazzo / 22h
qimono / Pixabay The latest TED-Ed lesson and video is on “How fast can a vaccine be made?” I’m adding it to A BEGINNING LIST OF THE BEST RESOURCES FOR LEARNING ABOUT THE CORONAVIRUS .
Most Popular Posts Of The Week
by Larry Ferlazzo / 1d
I’m making a change in the content of the regular feature. In addition to sharing the top five posts that have received the most “hits” in the preceding seven days (though they may have originally been published on an earlier date), I will also include the top five posts that have actually appear