Spanish Fluency Strips for Early Readers

Spanish Fluency Strips for Early Readers

Spanish fluency strips are a useful, easy-to-make activity for beginning readers. When I make fluency strips, or sentence strips, I relate the sentences to a picture and then turn them into a mini-book. Below you’ll find sets of 3 Spanish fluency strips to make mini-books.

Check out these 4 additional sets of Spanish Sentence Strips and Mini-Books that I shared earlier. 

Spanish Fluency Strips

With fluency strips, kids read the same text repeatedly. Reading fluency takes practice, and sentence strips let language learners focus on high-frequency vocabulary and structures. You can find more ideas on how to build fluency in young readers in this article. The strategies are in English, but they also apply to Spanish learners.

I make my Spanish sentence strips with familiar words so they will be easy for my students and they can learn to read those words automatically and accurately.

Although I make strips with familiar words, I also use Spanish fluency strips to reinforce meaning. To do that, I pair the Spanish sentence strips with a picture that supports the text.

Be sure to check out our Spanish Reading for Kids page for lots more reading activities.

Mini-Books with Spanish Sentence Strips

Image of the seven sentences used in one of the sets of Spanish fluency strips.

My sets of Spanish sentence strips relate to one picture and students assemble the set into a mini-book. First, they cut the strips apart and then put the sentences in order and staple them.

Students read mini-books over and over. Since that is the whole point of sentence strips, the two are an effective combination.

I send these mini-books home with students so they can read them with their families too. The more practice, the better!

Spanish Paragraphs for Early Readers

Image of the sentences used in one of the sets of Spanish fluency strips in paragraph form.

In the PDF you’ll find the same sentences in paragraph form, with a larger version of the picture.

Before we read the sentence strips, I project the picture or give kids the larger version so they can see the details easily. We talk about the picture together before they make their mini-books.

Make Your Own Spanish Fluency Strips

The vocabulary in these fluency strips may not be what you need for your students, but you can make sentence strips related to any content or vocabulary theme.

First, find a picture that ties into the language you want to practice. Then, write sentences with repeating structures and vocabulary. I try to choose a picture that has enough detail to write 5-7 sentences.

Get Spanish Sentence Strip Sets

There are three sentence strip mini-books in the PDF: El supermercado, Cepillarse los dientes, and Hacer una lista.

Download 3 Fluency Strip Mini-books and Paragraphs

Spanish fluency strip mini-books are also a useful way to re-enter vocabulary. I go back to units we have done to make new mini-books with fluency strips. Let me know what you think and if you would like me to share more of my Spanish fluency strips.

The post Spanish Fluency Strips for Early Readers appeared first on Spanish Playground.

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