5 Online Print Materials for Homeschooling Students

5 Online Print Materials for Homeschooling Students

Parents right now need all the help they can get. The responsibility of helping their children learn through homeschooling has fallen on to their laps too abruptly. It’s common to see parents feeling unequipped for this task. This is where schools need to step in and organize the support of teachers towards parents. There are a number of ways and tools that teachers can use to support homeschool families or parents tackling the idea of homeschooling . I have come up with a list below which outlines some essential print materials for homeschooling that teachers can send to parents.

Also to note, in case teachers may be wondering where to get these homeschool resources while remaining safe then, I would recommend leveraging online printing services by 4OVER4 which has put together a comprehensive list of amazing custom printed materials kids will love. Ok, here we go with the list of online print essentials for learning that will support parents.

Stickers-Print Materials for Homeschooling

Use stickers in a variety of ways to help children learn basic Math and help them develop their creativity. For example, you can teach them how to count and read numbers using stickers. Write out a number on a different card and get the kids to apply the right number of the sticker. When it comes to creativity, you know the characters they love and these can be printed on stickers. This will help kids build stories around those characters which makes their learning easier and more effective. This will also help them gain the confidence to express themselves. In addition, use them to motivate homeschooling kids when they accomplish their goals with ‘well done’ stickers.

Homeschooling Posters

Interesting time-table poster for homeschooling kids
Interesting time-table poster for homeschooling kids

Making your child’s education interesting is very important. Educational posters can go a long way in helping parents teach their children. Imagine a parent who is working from home with a child who needs guidance on a particular topic or subject. They don’t have to keep reviewing steps for solving a Math or English problem when they’re on a poster. Their child can reference them at any time. They can also be used creatively through illustrations to encourage children to do simple physical exercises. With everyone staying safe at home during this pandemic, establishing healthy habits is crucial.

Home schooling Postcards

Customized postcards to make your students happy during homeschooling
Customized postcards to make your students happy during homeschooling

Parents want the best for their kids and at this time especially they need to know the best recommendations for learning. Teachers can utilize print cards such as postcards to send a list of the best book recommendations that will benefit children as they learn at home. They also need moral support to get through this tough time and sending them a postcard with messages such as, Keep Going or See You Soon Buddy may just be the thing that puts a smile on their faces and motivates them to keep learning and remain hopeful for the future. At 4OVER4 we have a list of kind postcard messages to get you started whether you’re sending your students something to cheer them up or want to show love and support to loved ones.

Homeschooling Booklets

As parents try to adjust to the overwhelming duty of helping their children learn at home they can definitely benefit from course work guides from teachers. These guides can be printed on booklets with checklists to help parents and students keep track of their studies.

Notepads -Homeschooling Print Materials

Notepads will definitely help students for obvious reasons such as recording notes but there is an opportunity for more. Personalizing each notepad with a student’s name on the cover along with a meaningful message makes them feel special. Therefore, not only will the students know you care but the parents will also be comforted to know that their children’s teachers are supportive with homeschool curriculum. Besides, this gesture may go a long way in easing the stress of homeschooling for both parents and children.

In this crisis, I believe that teachers who are able to are doing their part to help support parents in this current situation. 4OVER4 is here to provide guidance on the best print resources available to schools and parents as they navigate these interesting times we’re living in. This is what matters at the end of the day. We hope the tips/resources shared will count for something. Keep going, we will get through this together!

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